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I’m Quitting!

Have you ever uttered those two little words to a supervisor? What brought you to that decision? Was it that someone in the company, usually a supervisor, was caustic toward you and others, or perhaps a better opportunity was waiting for you in the wings? Have you ever heard those two little words from a … more »

Rewards and Recognition During Covid-19 and the Holidays

As the year 2020 comes to an end, employers are figuring out how to support their employees after what has been a tumultuous year.  Employees who have been dealing with the impacts of COVID-19, and now the holidays, are feeling the stress. A report from employee experience software company Limeade, Workplaces in Crisis: Employee Care … more »

OSHA Clarifies Reporting Requirements for COVID-19

Since the first known case of COVID-19 was confirmed in the United States, numerous questions have been asked by employers regarding whether or not they have to report COVID-19 cases among their employees to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) as a work-related hospitalization or fatality. Under the initial reporting requirements spelled out by … more »

Importance of Developing, Reviewing and Revising Job Descriptions

Job descriptions are an essential tool that all organizations should have in place for all job titles. According to the Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM), a job description is defined as a useful, plain-language tool that explains the tasks, duties, functions and responsibilities of a position. It details who performs a specific type of … more »

Halloween: A COVID-19 Appropriate Workplace Trick or Treat?

While Halloween is not an official holiday like Christmas or Thanksgiving, it is considered the second largest commercial holiday in the United States. According to CNN’s 2020 Halloween statistics based on the National Retail Federation predictions, “More than 148 million Americans will celebrate Halloween this year, with 53% percent of consumers planning to decorate their … more »

What Employers Need to Understand about an Employee’s Right for Time Off to Vote

With Election Day just around the corner, typically workplace scheduling may involve more adjustments than usual as employees seek to fulfill their civic duty by voting. This year, due to early voting capabilities and mail-in ballots, employees may or may not need time away from work. However, employers are encouraged to review their organizations policies … more »

The FMLA and the Availability of New Forms

The federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993, and as amended, provides that an employee may be eligible for a period of job-protected unpaid leave if he or she meets the criteria set forth in the FMLA regulations (29 CFR Part 825 – https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?SID=039f1af15a43df094376ea8502f56a93&mc=true&tpl=/ecfrbrowse/Title29/29cfr825_main_02.tpl).  According to the DOL, evidence suggests that adopting flexible … more »

Salary Increase Budgets Decline during the Pandemic

The global pandemic has impacted salary budget planning for the first time in 12-years.  The last time that U.S. employers saw a decline in salary budget increases was during the Great Recession of 2008-2009. WorldatWork’s 2020-2021 Salary Budget Survey, conducted from May through June 2020, with 4,754 responses found that salary increase budgets are still … more »

Recognizing and Managing Employee Burnout in 2020

In what seems like a never-ending effort, organizations continue to increase their throughput on a yearly basis and attempt to do so with the same number of employees from the previous year. In the case of 2020, many organizations are likely doing so with fewer employees due to lay-offs related to the current pandemic. This … more »