Our Focus. Your Results. 317-445-4163


Does Your Company Use Behavior-Based Interviewing Techniques?

Behavioral-based interviewing has been around for a long time. However, many hiring managers find the topic to be one that is new to them and most companies are not sure about what it really means to their organization. The goal of any organization should be to be able to hire a candidate who has the … more »

Employees Don’t Leave Jobs, They Leave Managers

Is your company experiencing high turnover? Does it seem like the good employees always leave? Maybe your managers and supervisors need training on how to communicate with employees? Employees usually don’t leave jobs, they leave companies because of their managers or other employees. And, most supervisors and managers are promoted to these positions because they … more »

Independent Contractor or Employee?

During the last few years, more and more companies have resorted to utilizing independent contractors to help them get the work done. However, when using independent contractors, companies need to structure the work carefully to avoid creating an official employment relationship. Independent contractors do relieve employers of many legal compliance issues to include: eliminating the … more »

Delegating for Results

What would happen if you did not delegate? Everything and everyone may suffer because you would not have time to devote to them. Various tasks would not get completed, such as: planning and organizing, departmental budgeting, scheduling of work, and coaching, among other things. Have you ever said to yourself, “I can do it more … more »

Employees as Assets or Liabilities?

Does your organization consider employees to be an asset or a liability? Most consider them to be liabilities. Employees cost us money, is what I generally hear from managers, executives and owners of organizations of all sizes and in all industries. Human resources is a “cost center” for our organization and does not produce revenue … more »

Retain Key Employees by Improving the Core Skills of the Managers

Employees generally leave bosses, not necessarily organizations. Walker Information, an Indianapolis-based marketing research firm, reports that 50% of your employees will leave when the job market starts to open up (Bruce Kidd, VP, January 7, 2011). So, what you are you doing to make sure that they, specifically the high performers, will stay with your … more »

EPLI Discounts

During the summer of 2009, New Focus HR received a telephone call from the Business Manager at a telecommunications company with 16 employees. She asked if we had the ability to assist her company with the development of an employee handbook. She stated that the company’s insurance broker had informed her that if they implemented … more »