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Tips for Serving Alcohol at a Company Sponsored Event

This is the most wonderful time of the year for most. Religious, cultural and seasonal celebrations with family, friends and business colleagues can be wonderful experiences. To keep it wonderful, employers should incorporate the following suggestions into their holiday party in order to help minimize their risk and liability when alcohol is a factor:   … more »

The Performace Evaluation: Friend or Foe?

Many organizations still view the performance evaluation process as a nuisance.  Managers complain that they don’t have enough time in the day to get their expected work completed, let alone write and deliver a performance evaluation.  Yet they are the same individuals who continue to complain about the performance of the employees who report to … more »

Are Employers Legally Able to Provide References?

Reference checks area useful way for employers to gather information that is not readily available. However, employers are often leery about providing references as they are fearful that they could be sued for giving a negative reference about a terminated employee or for failing to tell a prospective employer about an employee’s poor performance, etc. … more »

Wages: Commissions, Incentives and Bonuses

Indiana courts have defined a “wage” as compensation paid on a regular basis for work performed by the employee on an ongoing basis.  In general terms, compensation that is linked to the amount of work done by the employee constitutes a wage. Vacation pay constitutes deferred compensation that is earned as an employee works, so … more »

Seven Ways to Add Value to Your Job

Adding value to your job–making your contribution unique–is key to survival and success in a competitive job market. What could you do within your existing (or future) company to increase your value and influence? The seven job skills that follow won’t mean you necessarily work harder, but that you work differently and more creatively. You … more »

Are Your Employees On Your Holiday Shopping List?

Are employees on your holiday shopping list?   Your employees are the heart and the performance power behind all that happens at your organization. How could they not be included in some holiday appreciation, celebration or gift?   But before you feel more overwhelmed by the additional names that just got added to your holiday … more »

Campaign Posters and Buttons in the Workplace

It is campaign season and “yes” it will be over soon. However, in the meantime, are employers able to ban campaign posters, fliers and buttons from the workplace? Currently, there are no federal laws that regulate this sort of activity for private employers and employees. Private employers may decide whether they want to allow this … more »

Voluntary or Involuntary Termination

Termination of employment is an inevitable part of personnel activity within every company. However, understanding whether the termination was voluntary or involuntary is not something that everyone truly understands. So, listed below are examples of some of the most common circumstances under which employment is terminated:   Resignation – This is a voluntary employment termination … more »

Do Your Meetings Have a Purpose?

Meetings are held every day within organizations. Understanding why we have meetings is as important to their success as is the outcome of the meeting. Do your company meetings have a purpose? If you think that they do, please read on. You may learn differently?   Understanding why we have meetings as well as what … more »

Are You Prepared for Your Next Meeting?

Meetings provide one of the best possible vehicles for communicating information within a work group. An effective leader will make the difference between a meeting that is productive and successful and one that is not. Preparation is the “key” to success in any type of meeting. Thorough preparation on behalf of the leader equals the … more »