Our Focus. Your Results. 317-445-4163


Redesigning the Performance Management Process

As an employer or manager, do you feel that you are fully assessing your employee’s talents and abilities with your current performance management process?  If not, here are some ways that you can redesign your current system.  Even if you answered yes, you may still want to stay tuned in because performance management processes are … more »

The Pros and Cons of “Unlimited Paid Time Off”

As an employer do you worry about all of the paid time, e.g. vacation, sick, personal days, etc. that your employees have available to them?  Think about this; what if you didn’t have to worry about how much time employees had available to take off and the only thing you had to do as a … more »

Sexual Harassment and the Blurred Lines of the Flexible Workplace

The new workplace: one with less strict with regards to everything. Casual dress, flexible schedules, no employee handbook or policies, a social construct and a non-traditional corporate culture. These smaller firms may be the way of the future. But do these new businesses with their free-for-all mentality; blur the lines of what constitutes sexual harassment? … more »

The Functional Areas of Human Resources

New Focus HR has recently had the opportunity to recruit for a Human Resources Director for a local client.  The job is a fairly high level HR position requiring in depth experience in all of the functional areas of human resources.  For those of you who are not familiar with the functional areas they include: … more »

Does Your Company Have an Internship Program?

It is almost summer and many companies have plans to have college interns within their organizations. Have you asked the question as to whether interns should be paid a minimum wage and overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) for services that they provide to your organization? If not, please consider these suggestions first. … more »

Before You Terminate an Employee Make Sure That You Understand…

Terminate. This word is frequently used by owners and managers in business. Most however, don’t really understand what it means to terminate an employee. Educating these decision makers on items to consider prior to termination and the different types of terminations is sometimes challenging. First of all, there are different types of terminations and not all of them … more »

Does Your Company Utilize Progressive Disciplinary Action?

Conflict in the workplace is not something that owners, managers and supervisors seek out.  However, it happens every day in companies of all sizes. Most management-level employees do not do a great job of documenting negative subordinate behaviors or poor performance, nor do they even do an okay job. Documentation for negative employee behaviors and … more »

Ways to Increase General Wellness and Wellness Program Participation

You may or may not have a wellness program at your company. But chances are if you do, the level of participation isn’t very high. The goal of these programs is to help control health care costs by increasing preventive care and in turn, reducing the occurrences of prevalent medical conditions. Unfortunately adding these programs … more »

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays or Season’s Greetings?

It is that time of year when most of us use the greeting “Merry Christmas,” “Happy Holidays,” or “Season’s Greetings.” Some ask, which one is politically correct in my work environment?  The answer depends completely upon the cultural or religious diversity in your work environment.  However, with that being said, employers must be cautious about … more »

Do Nonexempt Employees Need to be Paid for Travel Time?

New Focus HR Consultants frequently receive calls from employers asking the question, “Do I need to pay nonexempt employees for travel time?”  The answer is confusing to most as it is “maybe?”  The federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) travel-time regulations include a provision that has confused employers, leading them to mistakenly think that they … more »