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What is Ghost Employment?

Does your organization have ghost workers?  Let’s define the term ghost employment so that the organization’s payroll department is better able to determine if the organization supports ghost workers.  First of all, a ghost worker is an employee on paper only.  He or she may be a deceased employee who is still in the payroll … more »

What is a Wage?

Indiana courts have defined a “wage” as compensation paid on a regular basis for work performed by the employee on an ongoing basis.  In general terms, compensation that is linked to the amount of work done by the employee constitutes a wage. Vacation pay constitutes deferred compensation that is earned as an employee works, so … more »

Job Bouncing and Employee Engagement

Changing jobs regularly, whether it’s yearly, bi-yearly, or whatever, is not all that uncommon these days. The question is, why? Does it have anything to do with employee engagement? Back when I was just entering the work force—fifteen years ago exactly—securing a long-term job with a company was the ultimate goal. It wasn’t down to … more »

Administering a Workers’ Compensation Claim

Without the proper tools or education administering a workers’ compensation claim may be a headache for some organizations. Managers and employees alike should be trained on when, where, and how to report a work-related injury or illness. The first step to successfully administering a workers’ compensation claim is for organizations to have a well written … more »

Employment Eligibility Verification and the Use of the E-Verify System

Although the issue of immigration compliance in the workplace is not a new topic in the United States, it has become more and more pronounced due to the daily stories from the news media and an increased scrutiny of employers. A few months ago, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raised the level of … more »

Biometric Authentication in the Workplace

Biometric authentication has become commonplace in daily life through the use of smart phones, smart TV’s, personal computers, and other electronic devices. Years ago, people watched television programs like “Get Smart” and “Mission Impossible” and laughed because the concepts were too outlandish to be considered reality.  However, in today’s society, people continue to look for … more »

4 Easy (but Overlooked) Sales Management Tactics to Boost Salesperson Performance

Sales management isn’t just about optimizing sales strategies and fine-tuning sales processes. In most organizations, it’s also about managing the sales team and helping individual salespeople perform up to their potential. To do that effectively, Sales Managers must understand how to align big-picture policies and goals with actionable ideas at the salesperson level. Let’s look … more »

Easing Workplace Stress

It is not a secret that work has the potential to seriously stress employees out. The stress that employees face has potentially harmful effects on their health, personal lives, and overall work performance. Regardless of the job, whether it be a low-paying job, or a high-paying job, stress exists at all levels. This information probably … more »

Effectively Creating and Managing a Teleworking Program

Teleworking, more commonly referred to as “telecommuting”, or “remote working”, has been a rising trend that more employers have started to offer in the past five to seven-years. However, when an organization considers implementing teleworking, some Managers oppose the idea due to the lack of supervision over their employees. Managers may be concerned about whether … more »

Critical HR Recordkeeping –  Employee Files

Employers frequently ask HR Consultants “What records do I have to keep in an employee’s personnel file?”  The answer is everything, however, in order for employers to be compliant most items need to be separated into different files and locations. This article will act as a guideline for employers who are interested in making sure … more »